Weekend time :)
Seems like Alex have a rest time :) Stats are the same like yesterday. Will be waiting for Monday.
Live Reporter from new 2 million dollars website! Get to know what is going on there!
Seems like Alex have a rest time :) Stats are the same like yesterday. Will be waiting for Monday.
Posted by
Alex Filatov
11:39 AM
Last update December 8, 2006, 12:59 pm
Status on this date:
28 advertisers registered
and they're bought 5,800 pixels.
So, from my previous post pixelotto's earnings raised.
The total amount of sold pixels is 111,000.
I think there is no sense just to write about status.
More interesting is write about data analysis.
I've pointed that best value brings not high paying adverts, but the lowest paying ones.
This is shows in the following table:
Pixels - pixel-type of adverts, e.g. 100-pixel advertisers.
Dollars - amount that advertisers brought.
e.g.: Advertisers who bought 100-pixel ads made value of $37,200
What do you think? Is there some regularity?
Posted by
Alex Filatov
1:52 PM
Hello again folks!
I've read an article about Alex Tew and the main point of his success is that he doesn't spend his time in a University! :) After he's got his first million dollars he started thinking about new brilliant idea!
Lucky Alex has got another lucky day - there wese sold 16,300 pixels for 38 new adverts!
BTW, I'd like to ask something:
Does traffic from pixelotto.com highly converted for advertisers?
Is there somebody who can say "YES!"?
In the end - statistics:
Date: finished December 7, 2006
Total pixels sold: 105,200 pixels!
More $10,000 - 2 websites
$5,000-$10,000 - 3 websites
$1,000-$5,000 - 37 websites (9 up)
$800-$1,000 - 32 websites (4 up)
$400-$800 - 60 websites (6 up)
and $200 - 166 websites (23 up)
Great! :)
Posted by
Alex Filatov
1:23 AM
Labels: alex-tew, pixelotto, pixelottoreport, statistics
The Pixelottoreport.com has launched!
Today is 7th of December and after first data analysis we can see the following picture:
- Total amount of sold pixels since 4th of December is 88,900 (we all remember how much one pixel costs :)
- Amount of advertisers by now is 230
friend of my, the owner of the website Lyrinda.com also bought ad place on the pixelotto.com
Still don't know is he did the right thing :) I'm sure the ROI will be much more above Zero!
We can separate advertisers by money they're spent on ad campaign.
More $10,000 - 2 websites
$5,000-$10,000 - 3 websites
$1,000-$5,000 - 28 websites
$800-$1,000 - 28 websites too
$400-$800 - 54 websites
and $200 - 143 websites
My respest to the Alex Tew - he is genious!
Posted by
Alex Filatov
1:33 AM
Posted by
Alex Filatov
3:27 AM