Friday, February 9, 2007

Update of ad schemas


I've modyfied script and now it's generates ad map with resized real ad block :)
You can take a look on the

We all love this advertiser for his 10 links submitted :)))

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Advertisers ad placement added!


I've added ads placement for each advertiser.
For example for advertiser there is:

Please look at the bottom of the page

Feel free to comment it :)

Holy Moses! 1,800 pixels sold today!

Two advertisers that have bought 1,800 pixels:

1., 1,200 pixels
2., 600 pixels

"I want to believe" :)

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Good objective point from Anonymous

Very good objective point!
The biggest (February 6, 2007 4:15 AM) comment from anonymous

I do not know if Alex Tew will refund all of the advertisers.
Personally I want him to reach the $2,000,000 point - this will be good for all advertisers too.

Pixelotto only needs GOOD promotion on mass media to reach the goal.
I'd like to hear Alex's opinion regarding Pixelotto situation.
1. How much does it costs to buy promotion campaign?
Alex has money to launch such campaign and
2. Why doesn't he invest in the promotion campaign?
This is interesting because this investment will return quickly.
3. And after promotion Pixelotto will get positive feedback from majority of advertisers
Is that important enought?

I'd love to get Alex's answer or opinion or even simple message here in the blog or by email :)
Of cause I don't publish answer without approval.

Total selling action

Guys, I've added total selling action graph.
Selling Icon by

Pixelotto total selling action
Feel free to comment this trend.