Holy Moses! 1,800 pixels sold today!
Two advertisers that have bought 1,800 pixels:
1. www.direct-link-ads.com, 1,200 pixels
2. www.directtrafficmedia.co.uk, 600 pixels
"I want to believe" :)
Live Reporter from new 2 million dollars website! Get to know what is going on there!
Two advertisers that have bought 1,800 pixels:
1. www.direct-link-ads.com, 1,200 pixels
2. www.directtrafficmedia.co.uk, 600 pixels
"I want to believe" :)
Posted by
Alex Filatov
6:55 AM
It's nice to see the old proverb "a fool and their money are easily parted" still holds true in 2007.
If you look a the kind of websites these two are, it's not a great shock . I'll go so far as to say if these two websites are still around in 12 months time I'll buy each of you (the first 10 to reply to this) a beer. :)
Deal! :)
Maybe there is more to the story than we know. Maybe they haven't paid Tew any money? We wouldn't know!
Thats very true, the "Prize Fund" hasn't increased just yet...
$3600 Not bad for a day's work or was it a special offer - 2 for the price of one. Digg a little deeper and it looks like the two sites in question are linked in more ways than one. They do look of awfully similar - don't you think???
No pixels were sold today.
These are just 2 links that were finally added by the advertiser (though still no picture, as the ad is still black) to pixels that were purchasesd a LONG WHILE AGO.
P.S. Mine's a pint of something rich and famous?
Bob is right, those ads have been blank on the site for a long time. So there were no sales today. Maybe there are other ads that have been paid for with no link added yet, and that could be why the total on this site does not match the Pixelotto total?
#8, woo-hoo! I like these odds
Alexander, why are you still reporting $1800 sold on your stats and graphs when this is clearly wrong?
Tom, please take a look on http://www.pixelottoreport.com
You can find there "0 advertisers registered Yesterday,and they've bought 0 pixels".
What $1,800 are you talking about?
Alexander, obviously we are talking about Feb. 8, when you posted the news about "Holy Moses! 1,800 piexels sold today" and updated the daily graph with $1,800 sold for that day (see Feb 8 on: http://www.pixelottoreport.com/i/seven-days-pixels-sold.png).
All of this is wrong. Zero pixels ($ 0) were sold on Feb. 8!
Thank you for your notice.
My website tells abouts pixels sold when it detects changes in ads markup.
If new ad blocks appeared on the Pixelotto - it means sold pixels.
Correct me if I wrong.
I will correct you:
A new ad block DID NOT appear on the Pixelotto board on Feb. 8.
This 1,800 ad block appeared a long while before Feb. 8 (many weeks before). The only thing that happened on Feb. 8 was a CHANGE.
In fact, this ad block was BLACK (not purple, but black) and had no url. until Feb. 8, when it got a url (no image yet).
Since I am an advertiser myself, I can explain how a pixelotto purchase works:
1) you sign up, and you select a number of pixels on the board (maximum of 2500 pixels - that's why some big ads are divided into sections)
2) You checkout and pay for the pixels
3) Once payment is through, the pixels on the board become BLACK (so nobody else can buy them - this was known as "reserved" ad block on MDHP)
4) A page for the purchased advertisement is created where the advertiser can upload an image, fill in an url and a title (text shown on hover)
5) When the advertiser enters this info, it will then go through an approval process. Once approved, the image, url, and text will appear on the board in place of the black pixels. This info can be edited by the advertiser at any time through the panel, and will go again through the approval process.
So steps no. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pixels sold and black space on the board) all happened many weeks before Feb. 8. What happened on Feb. 8 is step 5, which is by no means or possible interpretation pixels sold.
Of course you must trust my memory on the fact that that 1800 black ad block was on the board long before Feb. 8, but yopu can also read what anonymous has said above:
Bob is right, those ads have been blank on the site for a long time. So there were no sales today. Maybe there are other ads that have been paid for with no link added yet, and that could be why the total on this site does not match the Pixelotto total?
Just send Tew your money - he is working towards that illusive billion dollars earned from a one page website. He may have to write a TWO page website, which is doubling his costs (to $25)! That would be an extreme action to take.
Take it easy Alex, and keep on counting those dollar bills, you are making history.
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