Saturday, July 28, 2007

I Know You Need Other Pixel

O_o I know you need other pixel
Who are you, funny guy? :)


Filip Roman said...

Who is the funny guy? I don't understand this post.

Anonymous said...

more great pixel sites at:

Alex Filatov said...

guy that have bought that one pixel that we need :)

Filip Roman said...

Idea Alex : Why don't you invite all pixelsite owners (buying ads on pixelotto) to explain why they still believe in pixelselling, what the results are, how many clicks they generate from pixelotto, etc... (think yourself about interesting themes) And give them the opportunity to post a link to their sites, like above anonymous.

Anonymous said...

because that is exactly what A Tew is supposed to do.

why ask Alex F to do Alex T's work for him?

Filip Roman said...

I think Alex T is managing the site. We are visitors of the site.
My above question is a proposition to stimulate an interesting discussion (here, not elsewhere).

Anonymous said...

just noticed,

see the part of a lotto page that is shown on the top right? It is actually a partial MDHP screen shot that has been superimposed on a PL background, with the image enlarged slightly to make it look like it occupies more of the screen.

anyhow, any further news from anyone on anything?

Filip Roman said...

Question : I can't login in my pixelotto account. Any members with the same problem?

Alex Filatov said...

I can log-in!
Maybe Alex Tew had banned you? :)

Alex Filatov said...

to anonymous, regarding

I think this "screendump" is OK.
What would you place there instead of it?

Alex Filatov said...

To Filip:
I've asked many times to share their opinions, stats with other of traffic and ROI from
If you did'n find this information here that's means they wont do this :)

Filip Roman said...

Okay thanks.
It's just that I like some discussion here. Therefore we need people to discuss with.

Filip Roman said...

To Alex F : What I meant with my previous post (inviting pixelsite owners): pixel buyers with a serious business don't have the time to participate on this site.
But guys who start a pixelsite (after all the copycats in the last two year, failing) are students. They have time. They also look for a forum to promote their copycat sites.
Concentrate on them, Alex, I think there are about 50 pixelsite owners advertising on
Contact them and you will see (more visitors here, more discussion).

Anonymous said...

it lives!

Tew spotted in BBC travel and living episode which visited a houseboat in London owned by the founder of yo! sushi, a chain of sushi conveyor belt restaurants in London

Asked what he was doing there by Ian Wright, the daring young entrepreneur said "I started a website that made me one million dollars in 4 months!"

he did not follow that with "and here's what I'm doing now", or mention the world beating pixelotto. Now if he REALLY gave a flying anythign about his customers he'd use the opportunity to plug PL, right? but no, he doesn't, and that is why he is a useless, selfish so and so.

so I guess he's still trading off his luck until such time as people are still interested in throwing money at something crap and useless again

Alex Filatov said...

man, do you have a link of this?

Anonymous said...

actually, it may have been shot a long time ago, when did the MDHP end again? here is a link to a blog of people who went to meet A Tew at a party held by the yo! sushi guy, may have been same party, waaaay back in 2006

the author gushes :

"It's a concept everyone can understand and relate too, and which (undoubtably) millions of people must have thought "Why hasn't someone done this before?"."

The authos may now wonder "Why ahsn't anyone done this ever since?" Or indeed, why did he think it was such a great idea that all he did was repackage it an try and flog again?

the author continues :
"Its brilliant to know that Alex has many other innovative ideas in the pipeline - people like him may truly shape the Internet in the future. "

well well well. a warning to all of us who get excited for the sake of getting excited just because of "celebrity status". clearly A Tew is a donkey.

BTW, great read for you all, "Branson" by Tom Bower. It's a biography (highly slanted) of Richard Branson which helps explain how he got off the ground on apparently such little funds and how he has gotten so rich even though most of his businesses fail.

the book IS very slanted, but then Branson's book is also, total opposites of one another. Branson's modus operandi is to convince people to allow him to take a stake in their firms as he will market the product through his PR machine, but he doesn't invest in it. hence the Virgin brand is whored out to loads of people with deep pockets and excessive respect for his persona. Branson also doesn't like competition and uses relationships with newspapers, journalists and politicians to whip up storms against his competition to allow him get a foothold in the market and then attempt to dominate himself. Also, he lies, lies, lies. He is not the brave adventurer he claims to be, but a passenger in other people's projects, gaining all the PR value for little of the cost. He doesn't like paying people or in any way seeing others do well unless he is the number one. Lots of issues. Oh yes, and he lost his virginity to a prostitute that his father bought for him, not a girl at a party. It goes on.

clearly the truth is somewhere in between what either one says, but there is certainly a case to be made against people who claim to be champions of the little man and are really as ruthless and brutal as the next billionaire.

Tew is simply a lazy liar.

Tew : Ouch!

Filip Roman said...

This was ub february 2006, long time befgore pixelotto existed. So he couldn't mention pixelotto.

Filip Roman said...

I clicked 483 ads on pixelotto.
Anyone more?

Anonymous said...

I've done 484

noticed a new one today

I'm sure the cash is rolling into his bank account...

can't remember who it was though....

Filip Roman said...

it was some golf thing.

Filip Roman said...

Don't understand how anonymous did 484 ads. I searched for one more, it's unpossible to find.

Anonymous said...

By catching all of the missing seven before they got their money back.

Anonymous said...

I searched for one more, it's unpossible to find

that could be the ONE!!!! :D:D:D