Live Reporter from new 2 million dollars website! Get to know what is going on there!
Just found that you can login into this website and make clicks. - this link works :)
But I think that means nothing for the people that are in the lottery.
Posted by
Alex Filatov
12:52 AM
yes.. at 5th after 5 o'clock it was possibile too, but Terms and Conditions say, that these clicks arent entries... so these clicks are useless.
Yea, the whole website is a scam.
Time to forget about it...
I won!!!! i f****** won!!! just spoke on the phone with alex! my name will be on the site tomorrow!!! yeeeiiii!
It's true. AT decided to not give me the money, because my ID is not the same as my players name.
He choosed Ramon Valdez as the new winner of the jackpot. That's the reason it take a week before the name of the winner will be announced.
I can say I never met ramon valdez before, people who think he's my brother are wrong. If we have the same ip-address in some messages, it's because he used my homecomputer once (at newyears eve).
He choosed Ramon Valdez as the new winner of the jackpot.
Out of mild curiosity, what was the selection process?
Ramon better split it with you :)
(various negative remarks about Filip)
who are these idiots kicking a guy when he's down? What's Filip done to deserve any of this? It's not like he's reneging on a promise, or going back on a deal. Nor, indeed, has he siphoned 100k from lots of people who expected a service in return.
Also, he can't be a "liar" and an "idiot" simultaneously on this topic, Mr Anonymous. Get a job and work your way to riches.
Hope ou had a nice trip to London, and your boss gives you a raise on return, Filip. And Ramon DEFINITELY owes you more than the imprint of his fingertips on your computer. Damn small world, him showing up at yours, but I've been in similar situations. Not involving masses of cash, unfortunately :)
Anonymous, so what? You are also not in London, you are nowhere!
micheal - are you idiot?
Mmm... good question, I did forget to turn off the iron this morning ... and there was that time I stared slackjawed at this cute girl who said hi instead of returning her hello, but that was 20 years ago... On balance ... yep. Dumb as a bag o' hammers.
filip roman is cheating.
In the absence of compelling proof of this scenario, I'd have to go with Occam's Razor in this regard and merely proffer the plausibility of the situation as described by Filip as superior to that of a conspiratorial plot.
Factors in favour of conspiracy :
1. I didn't win! (clearly, a conspiracy - and I clicked 490 ads!)
2. The (ex) winner is (was?) an avowed supporter of the site.
3. The winner (for real) just so happened to be at the ex-winner's place on New Year's eve, and the ex-winner has no idea who he is yet strangely happens to know that he used his computer then (if banks could install security chinese walls as good as this ...)
Factors mitigating the conspiracy :
4. Alex Tew drives a mini and makes pink and purple websites, thus is a likely candidate to screw up a simple phone-call filtering questionnaire like "can you confirm your real name is Filip Roman before I ask you to London?" thus requiring said ex-winner to crack open a new bottle of vodka, travel to London, piss off his boss, and then face the grey skies and driving rain of a train trip home to Belgium, sans four-foot by two-foot fun-sized cheque.
5. Filip's not the first person to be let down by Alex Tew's bungling.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, the defence rests its case.
the reason why everybody is saying that filip/ramon is lying, idiot, stupid, etc is because of the way he tries to explains his I.P. address. He clearly has no idea how IP addresses work.
P/S to Filip: IP addresses are traceable regardless of where you are or what you are using. It is quite easy to track where you are. Don't believe me? If you are using windows (which i assume you are), try this little command called "tracert" in a command prompt. :)
He clearly has no idea how IP addresses work.
Hmm. the prosecution appears to have some evidence pertaining to this trial, can you share? For example, can you give us the tracert data that shows that he has been in Belgium all the time that he says he's been in London? I think that's where the argument lies, if I am not mistaken.
the winner is someone from kenya, it's at the site now
Congratulation to the winner from Kenya
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