Are the dead?
or dying...: Yesterday there were no pixels sold on!!! Here you can see this on 7-day chart!
Live Reporter from new 2 million dollars website! Get to know what is going on there!
or dying...: Yesterday there were no pixels sold on!!! Here you can see this on 7-day chart!
Posted by
Alex Filatov
12:37 AM
Labels: pixelotto, pixelotto dead
I think it's a bit soon to be saying that, a single day of no sales is hardly disasterous.
Of course I don't think pixelotto can become self-advertising like milliondollarhompage was, it hasn't got the originality that was the original page's blessing.
i wanted to buy pixels but i think i will not :P
pixelotto finally dead
to anonymous: you were right!
There was only one day of no sales.
Yesterday there were 1,600 pixels sold by chart.
to as: why don't you buy pixels there now? :)
Why should he throw his money away by buying ad space for a VERY low (and decreasing every day) traffic which in any case does not convert?
The $2000 I spent on pixelotto has been the worst investment ever. I basically threw this money away.
Pixelotto is a money-making business for Alex Tew, and it is a money-wasting opportunity for deluded advertisers.
Anonymous (the second), could you please give statistics data of your visitors from to show the whole picture?
I am anonymous (the second) here.
I can give you trends:
Traffic on Monday 18 was down by 41% compared to the previous Monday, and traffic yesterday is down 47% compared to the previous week.
Even on launch week, traffic was very disappointing, and now it is less of one third of that. We are talking of a highly visible ad.
We will keep you updated on this big failure.
You can look at the stats counter of a $1200 advertiser (with an ad near the top right corner of the pixelotto page). Here is the page:
Why does the prize fund dip back down every other day? Are people getting refunds and pulling out? For example, what happened to the big RC.AM advert?
This is what I want to determine by doing this website.
Within next week I'll launch new campaign for adverts to get to know those ROI.
(anonymous 2 here):
First of all let's have an accurate tracking of pixels sold every day. Your daily tracking of sold pixels seems incorrect at times, and even the total figure you report does not correspond to the one on pixelotto (right now it is 150,900 instead of the 142,700 figure shown on the pixelotto page).
Secondly, it does appear, as the anonymous above has said, that the prize fund decreases sometimes (it happened one time for sure: I checked one day and it had decreased by a few thousands with respect to the prior day). And again, if you had an accurate tracking of pixel sold this would be documented with the exact figures.
The big question that this strange decrease of the fund raises is "WHAT IS GOING ON?" All I can think of is perhaps a payment didn't go through, but what if instead somebody was able to get his money back? It would be very telling, and important to know how to go about it for all those adverts who have wasted their money on this: maybe there is a way to pull back?
Finally the question about the big RC.AM ad. What happened to that?
Of course all of this does look as a further sign of advertisers being very disappointed with their investment.
To Anonymous The Seocond.
Yes, seems like violates its own regulations.
If I'm not mistaken the adverts cannot retrieve money from "Company" in any way.
But the RC.AM ads had disappeared from the pixels board.
I can't believe in fact that RC.AM wanted to remove their AD without money back.
I have to make corrections in my website application according ad-removing facts...
Hi again guys, I am the anon who mentioned dips in pixel fund. I have had a $200 (actually final cost $235) advert on Pixelotto from day 1. I have watched the prize fund rise and fall repeatedly, and watched adverts disappear, etc. On the first couple of days I got a good number of clicks, and now only get about ten to fifteen clicks per day. These clicks are simply people "entering the draw" - they don't even look at my site! I have emailed Pixelotto my concerns a few times and have been totally ignored! I tried to claim my money back, as their service is simply a rip-off! Upon filing a Paypal claim, it was immediately rejected, even although I made the claim for "computer software". This SHOULD have meant that Paypal would take up to 30 days to look into the case, as computer software is a tangible item. Funnily enough, Paypal knew right away that the claim was for a non-tangible item! (draw your own conclusions!) Still no replies from anyone to my emails! If there are any other angry advertisers (I am sure there will be, seeing the amount some have spent!), then maybe we can get together and put pressure on? The main reason I am angry is that I took the ad on the understanding that Alex would "keep his end of the deal" and appear in newspapers and on tv constantly. He has not, and this would be the only way of advertisers getting value for money!
Seems like I have to make separate post for disapointed pixelotto advertisers...
I just registered and if anyone is interested in me making a site for the disappointed advertisers, let me know. Maybe together we can put pressure on to expose Pixelotto for the rip-off it is!
:)))) Phil, nice move!
You can write me by email and together we can make something :)
Cool mate - just emailed you :)
I have contacted the big advertiser who was able to take off his ad. I hope he will answer and let us know what happened and how he did it.
We must find out as soon as possible if there is some law (UK law?) for which a buyer can recede from a contract within an initial period. This would be a saver and would enable us to get a refund.
I agree with Phil that we should get together and put pressure and exchange useful info in order to get a refund.
That's would be greate to share this useful information with others - there are much more angry advers against to happy ones.
Feel free to post it here!
Phil, about your comment:
The main reason I am angry is that I took the ad on the understanding that Alex would "keep his end of the deal" and appear in newspapers and on tv constantly.
Alex Tew simply cannot continue to generate interest in this, it is vastly the same as The Million Dollar Homepage, so there is not the novelty that made the first site interesting to newsreaders and therefore news channels, papers, sites, etc.
I totally and utterly agree with you there. This is something I have believed from the start - that Alex did not sell a "good idea" to the press, he sold a "poor student" story. I have spoken to Mr.Tew and he assures me this is not the case though, and that there will be plenty of interest in Pixelotto soon...
Guys, the possible advertisement removal reason here
I agree on the anonymous above that this is not and will not generate media interest.
Even the few articles he got at the beginning were able to be published only by telling again the Alex Tew story of the MDHM and then leading to this new variation; it was clear already that Pixelotto in itself was too weak to be worth covering. There are a number of free lotto websites around that are even better of pixelotto (see for example, where you can win $1M in a minute), so this concept is nothing new.
On the other hand, MDHM was unique and brilliant, so it got all the success it deserved.
But regardless of this, the point is: did Alex Tew promise that would receive constant media coverage? No. So refunds requests can't be based on this point in my opinion.
You are right, he never promised that. But what his customers EXPECTED was some decent traffic to their sites as a result of paying him DOUBLE what he charged the first time. It is only reasonable to expect he would make double the effort to get the site "out there" and give his advertisers something in return. Yes, legally you are totally right - he can weasel his way out of it by claiming "the contract never actually says you get anything at all for your money". But does that sound right to you? And does it sound like the brilliant young internet businessman who we should all rush to do business with?
...and my point with refunds is: if there are no refunds, then why are ads disappearing from the site! For the ad to appear in the first place, Pixelotto has to approve them (meaning money has been paid). If some people can get their money back (like RC.AM), why not all?
The problem with the site is that it has no story. No blog as his previous site. The story of a student becoming rich with a crazy idea.
Currently, your site is more interesting to look at then
Thank you, Lucas :)
I hope you have meant PixelottoReport website :))))
But it still needs more and more improvement.
I'm working on it.
No, obviously not.
But judging from how the contract is written (extremely unfavorable to advertisers: it basically says pixelotto can do whatever they want) and the fact that they are ignoring emails sent to them by advertisers, this is not a controversy that will be solved on a friendly and mutual understanding basis.
And in any case, just for the purpose of discussing it (because as I say it will not be legal ground for a refund) there is just so much that can be done to get media attention.
It's the media that decides in the end if the story gets covered or not, so Alex can do all the noise and pressure he wants (and as I understand it he got a PR on board just for this) but if the story is weak (as it is) it will not get covered (except for some minor outlet of course).
So at this point, once Tew has come to realize that the pixelotto story is very weak and therefore is not getting major media attention, nor major viral marketing and buzz, the only effort to bring attention to it is to go out and actually BUY advertising for the site.
But at this point the idea is so much a failure that he probably will want to just collect this residual money from inexperienced advertisers, close the whole thing in a year, forget about it and do something else (perhaps go to the university, the goal for which he asked people to buy pixels on MDHM, just to change his mind in the end and keep the money for other purposes. That wasn't very correct either)
Yes, we must find out if there is a practical way of getting a refund. My friend is furious for having paid $1800 and wants his money back.
But how?
Perhaps a lawyer might now. Maybe there is a procedure, like mailing a written request or something.
Please do as I did and send an email to the owner of asking how he did it. I hope he replies to somebody. THere is also a phone number, perhaps somebody feels like calling, that would be great.
Here is the contact info:
I am working on a forum for all of Mr.Tew's annnoyed "customers", so we can discuss the way forward. I will also contact all of the pixel buyers to let them know if they are not happy, they are welcome to join us in voicing this to Mr.Tew and the media.
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