Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wish list for PixelottoReport


Sitting here at my PC, drinking beer and working on new update for

The update will include information of all ads that were removed from

Also thinking on what additional and useful info can I present to your attention?
What information, statistics, and so on would you like to see on
I'm open to any suggestions!


Anonymous said...

Useful information would include the total number of unique visitors to on a daily basis. Also, weren't the advertisers supposed to receive some statistics pertinent just to them, such as number of clicks to their site, etc.?

Anonymous said...

Pixelotto's traffic, especially in terms of trend rather than absolute numbers, can be only estimated by looking at the alexa chart.

Yes, as advertisers we are receiving clicks per day, per age group (37% 16-24, 37% 25-34), per gender (84.6% male), and pixelotto player clicks vs total (59%).

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to hear something from the advertisers themselves as to why they chose to advertise with Pixelotto (e.g. what were their expectations - long and short term) and would they consider advertising with any other pixel site given that that site wouldn't have Alex Tew's name associated with it.